Jumat, 03 Desember 2010
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Alga (jamak Algae) adalah sekelompok organisme autotrof yang tidak memiliki organ dengan perbedaan fungsi yang nyata. Alga bahkan dapat dianggap tidak memiliki "organ" seperti yang dimiliki tumbuhan (akar, batang, daun, dan sebagainya). Karena itu, alga pernah digolongkan pula sebagai tumbuhan bertalus.
Istilah ganggang pernah dipakai bagi alga, namun sekarang tidak dianjurkan karena dapat menyebabkan kekacauan arti dengan sejumlah tumbuhan yang hidup di air lainnya, seperti Hydrilla.
Dalam taksonomi yang banyak didukung para pakar biologi, alga tidak lagi dimasukkan dalam satu kelompok divisi atau kelas tersendiri, namun dipisah-pisahkan sesuai dengan fakta-fakta yang bermunculan saat ini. Dengan demikian alga bukanlah satu kelompok takson tersendiri.
Kelompok-kelompok alga
Dalam pustaka-pustaka lama, alga selalu gagal diusahakan masuk dalam satu kelompok, baik yang bersel satu maupun yang bersel banyak. Salah satu contohnya adalah pemisahan alga bersel satu (misalnya Euglena ke dalam Protozoa) dari alga bersel banyak (ke dalam Thallophyta). Belakangan disadari sepenuhnya bahwa pengelompokan sebagai satu klad tidak memungkinkan bagi semua alga, bahkan setelah dipisahkan berdasarkan organisasi selnya, karena sebagian alga bersel satu lebih dekat berkerabat dengan alga bersel banyak tertentu.
Saat ini, alga hijau dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok (klad) yang lebih berdekatan dengan semua tumbuhan fotosintetik (membentuk klad Viridiplantae). Alga merah merupakan kelompok tersendiri (Rhodophycophyta atau Rhodophyceae); demikian juga alga pirang (Phaeophycophyta atau Phaeophyceae) dan alga keemasan (Chrysophyceae).
Alga prokariotik
Alga biru-hijau kini dimasukkan sebagai bakteri sehingga dinamakan Cyanobacteria ("bakteri biru-hijau", dulu disebut Cyanophyceae, "alga biru-hijau") Dengan demikian, sebutan "alga" menjadi tidak valid. Cyanobacteria memiliki struktur sel prokariotik seperti halnya bakteri, namun mampu melakukan fotosintesis langsung karena memiliki klorofil. Sebelumnya, alga ini bersama bakteri masuk ke dalam kerajaan Monera. Akan tetapi dalam perkembangan selanjutnya diketahui bahwa ia lebih banyak memiliki karakteristik bakteri sehingga dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok bakteri benar (Eubacteria). Sebagai tambahan, beberapa kelompok organisme yang sebelumnya dimasukkan sebagai bakteri, sekarang malah dipisahkan menjadi kerajaan tersendiri, Archaea.
Alga eukariotik
Diagram yang menggambarkan teori mengenai evolusi alga (dan tumbuhan) masa kini yang banyak didukung.
Jenis-jenis alga lainnya memiliki struktur sel eukariotik dan mampu berfotosintesis, entah dengan klorofil maupun dengan pigmen-pigmen lain yang membantu dalam asimilasi energi.
Dalam taksonomi paling modern, alga-alga eukariotik meliputi filum/divisio berikut ini. Perlu disadari bahwa pengelompokan semua alga eukariotik sebagai Protista dianggap tidak valid lagi karena sebagian alga (misalnya alga hijau dan alga merah) lebih dekat kekerabatannya dengan tumbuhan daripada eukariota bersel satu lainnya.
* Archaeplastida : Regnum Viridiplantae atau Plantae (tumbuhan):
o Filum Chlorophyta (alga hijau)
o Filum Charophyta (alga hijau berkarang)
* Archaeplastida : Regnum incertae sedis
o Filum Rhodophyta (alga merah)
* Archaeplastida : Regnum incertae sedis
o Filum Glaucophyta
* Superregnum Cabozoa: Regnum Rhizaria:
o Filum Cercozoa
+ Kelas Chlorarachnia
* Superregnum Cabozoa: Regnum Excavata:
o Filum Euglenozoa
* Regnum Chromalveolata: Superfilum Chromista
o Filum Heterokontophyta (atau Heterokonta)
+ Kelas Bacillariophyceae (Diatomae)
+ Kelas Axodina
+ Kelas Bolidomonas
+ Kelas Eustigmatophyceae
+ Kelas Phaeophyceae (alga coklat)
+ Kelas Chrysophyceae (alga keemasan)
+ Kelas Raphidophyceae
+ Kelas Synurophyceae
+ Kelas Xanthophyceae (alga pirang)
o Filum Cryptophyta
o Filum Haptophyta
* Regnum Chromalveolata: Superfilum Alveolata
o Filum Dinophyta (atau Dinoflagellata)
Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus, is gram-positive, alpha-hemolytic, bile-soluble aerotolerant anaerobe and a member of the genus Streptococcus. A significant human pathogenic bacterium, S. pneumoniae was recognized as a major cause of pneumonia in the late 19th century and is the subject of many humoral immunity studies.
Despite the name, the organism causes many types of pneumococcal infection other than pneumonia, including acute sinusitis, otitis media, meningitis, bacteremia, sepsis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, endocarditis, peritonitis, pericarditis, cellulitis, and brain abscess.
S. pneumoniae is the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in adults, children, and dogs, and is one of the top-two isolates found in ear infection, otitis media. Pneumococcal pneumonia is more common in the very young and the very old.
S. pneumoniae can be differentiated from Streptococcus Viridans, some of which are also alpha-hemolytic, using an optochin test, as S. pneumoniae is optochin-sensitive. S. pneumoniae can also be distinguished based on its sensitivity to lysis by bile. The encapsulated, gram-positive coccoid bacteria have a distinctive morphology on gram stain, the so-called, "lancet-shaped" diplococci. It has a polysaccharide capsule that acts as a virulence factor for the organism; more than 90 different serotypes are known, and these types differ in virulence, prevalence, and extent of drug resistance.
In 1881, the organism, discovered by Leo Escolar, then known as the pneumococcus for its role as an etiologic agent of pneumonia, was first isolated simultaneously and independently by the U.S Army physician George Sternberg and the French chemist Louis Pasteur.
The organism was termed Diplococcus pneumoniae from 1926 because of its characteristic appearance in Gram-stained sputum. It was renamed Streptococcus pneumoniae in 1974 because of its growth in chains in liquid media.
S. pneumoniae played a central role in demonstrating that genetic material consists of DNA. In 1928, Frederick Griffith demonstrated transformation of life, turning harmless pneumococcus into a lethal form by co-inoculating the live pneumococci into a mouse along with heat-killed, virulent pneumococci. In 1944, Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty demonstrated that the transforming factor in Griffith's experiment was DNA, not protein as was widely believed at the time. Avery's work marked the birth of the molecular era of genetics.
The genome of S. pneumoniae is a closed, circular DNA structure that contains between 2 million and 2.1 million basepairs, depending on the strain. It has a core set of 1553 essential genes, plus 154 genes in its virulome, which contribute to virulence, and 176 genes that maintain a non-invasive phenotype. There is up to 10% genetic variation between strains. S. pneumoniae is part of the normal upper respiratory tract flora, but, as with many natural flora, it can become pathogenic under the right conditions (e.g., if the immune system of the host is suppressed). Invasins such as Pneumolysin, an anti-phagocytic capsule, various adhesins and immunogenic cell wall components are all major virulence factors.
Interaction with Haemophilus influenzae
Both H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae can be found in the human upper respiratory system. A study of competition in a laboratory revealed that, in a petrì dish, S. pneumoniae always overpowered H. influenzae by attacking it with hydrogen peroxide. When both bacteria are placed together into a nasal cavity, within 2 weeks, only H. influenzae survives. When both are placed separately into a nasal cavity, each one survives. Upon examining the upper respiratory tissue from mice exposed to both bacteria, an extraordinarily large number of neutrophil immune cells were found. In mice exposed to only one bacterium, the cells were not present.
Lab tests show that neutrophils that were exposed to already-dead H. influenzae were more aggressive in attacking S. pneumoniae than unexposed neutrophils. Exposure to killed H. influenzae had no effect on live H. influenzae.
Two scenarios may be responsible for this response:
1. When H. influenzae is attacked by S. pneumoniae, it signals the immune system to attack the S. pneumoniae
2. The combination of the two species together sets off an immune system alarm that is not set off by either species individually.
It is unclear why H. influenzae is not affected by the immune system response.
Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus, is gram-positive, alpha-hemolytic, bile-soluble aerotolerant anaerobe and a member of the genus Streptococcus. A significant human pathogenic bacterium, S. pneumoniae was recognized as a major cause of pneumonia in the late 19th century and is the subject of many humoral immunity studies.
Despite the name, the organism causes many types of pneumococcal infection other than pneumonia, including acute sinusitis, otitis media, meningitis, bacteremia, sepsis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, endocarditis, peritonitis, pericarditis, cellulitis, and brain abscess.
S. pneumoniae is the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in adults, children, and dogs, and is one of the top-two isolates found in ear infection, otitis media. Pneumococcal pneumonia is more common in the very young and the very old.
S. pneumoniae can be differentiated from Streptococcus Viridans, some of which are also alpha-hemolytic, using an optochin test, as S. pneumoniae is optochin-sensitive. S. pneumoniae can also be distinguished based on its sensitivity to lysis by bile. The encapsulated, gram-positive coccoid bacteria have a distinctive morphology on gram stain, the so-called, "lancet-shaped" diplococci. It has a polysaccharide capsule that acts as a virulence factor for the organism; more than 90 different serotypes are known, and these types differ in virulence, prevalence, and extent of drug resistance.
In 1881, the organism, discovered by Leo Escolar, then known as the pneumococcus for its role as an etiologic agent of pneumonia, was first isolated simultaneously and independently by the U.S Army physician George Sternberg and the French chemist Louis Pasteur.
The organism was termed Diplococcus pneumoniae from 1926 because of its characteristic appearance in Gram-stained sputum. It was renamed Streptococcus pneumoniae in 1974 because of its growth in chains in liquid media.
S. pneumoniae played a central role in demonstrating that genetic material consists of DNA. In 1928, Frederick Griffith demonstrated transformation of life, turning harmless pneumococcus into a lethal form by co-inoculating the live pneumococci into a mouse along with heat-killed, virulent pneumococci. In 1944, Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty demonstrated that the transforming factor in Griffith's experiment was DNA, not protein as was widely believed at the time. Avery's work marked the birth of the molecular era of genetics.
The genome of S. pneumoniae is a closed, circular DNA structure that contains between 2 million and 2.1 million basepairs, depending on the strain. It has a core set of 1553 essential genes, plus 154 genes in its virulome, which contribute to virulence, and 176 genes that maintain a non-invasive phenotype. There is up to 10% genetic variation between strains. S. pneumoniae is part of the normal upper respiratory tract flora, but, as with many natural flora, it can become pathogenic under the right conditions (e.g., if the immune system of the host is suppressed). Invasins such as Pneumolysin, an anti-phagocytic capsule, various adhesins and immunogenic cell wall components are all major virulence factors.
Interaction with Haemophilus influenzae
Both H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae can be found in the human upper respiratory system. A study of competition in a laboratory revealed that, in a petrì dish, S. pneumoniae always overpowered H. influenzae by attacking it with hydrogen peroxide. When both bacteria are placed together into a nasal cavity, within 2 weeks, only H. influenzae survives. When both are placed separately into a nasal cavity, each one survives. Upon examining the upper respiratory tissue from mice exposed to both bacteria, an extraordinarily large number of neutrophil immune cells were found. In mice exposed to only one bacterium, the cells were not present.
Lab tests show that neutrophils that were exposed to already-dead H. influenzae were more aggressive in attacking S. pneumoniae than unexposed neutrophils. Exposure to killed H. influenzae had no effect on live H. influenzae.
Two scenarios may be responsible for this response:
1. When H. influenzae is attacked by S. pneumoniae, it signals the immune system to attack the S. pneumoniae
2. The combination of the two species together sets off an immune system alarm that is not set off by either species individually.
It is unclear why H. influenzae is not affected by the immune system response.
Senin, 28 Juni 2010
A Special Holiday
Hello, guys! Jumpa lagi.
Oh ya, skrg kan udah musim liburan sekolah. Biasanya saat" seperti ini tuh
Merupakan saat" yang tepat untuk berlibur sama keluarga, teman, ato bahkan.. Ehem, ehem.. Sama pacar! Hehehhe :p
Besok adalah hari liburan paling spesial buat gue. Biasanya kan gue liburan cuma ke mal, bandung, ato makan sama keluarga di resto. Tapi kira" apa ya yang membuat liburan gue ini menjadi sangat spesial?
Yup, right! Besok gue bakal ke Bali. *senang :)
Jujur aja ya, besok merupakan hari pertama gue ke bali (wkwkwk :D). Oh ya, gue juga belom pernah naik pesawat terbang sebelumnya. Yah... Mungkin agak sedikit norak nantinya. Hehehe :p
Untuk oleh"nya , gue tampung dulu ya. Oke ? :D
Have a nice Holiday guys! GBu :)
Oh ya, skrg kan udah musim liburan sekolah. Biasanya saat" seperti ini tuh
Merupakan saat" yang tepat untuk berlibur sama keluarga, teman, ato bahkan.. Ehem, ehem.. Sama pacar! Hehehhe :p
Besok adalah hari liburan paling spesial buat gue. Biasanya kan gue liburan cuma ke mal, bandung, ato makan sama keluarga di resto. Tapi kira" apa ya yang membuat liburan gue ini menjadi sangat spesial?
Yup, right! Besok gue bakal ke Bali. *senang :)
Jujur aja ya, besok merupakan hari pertama gue ke bali (wkwkwk :D). Oh ya, gue juga belom pernah naik pesawat terbang sebelumnya. Yah... Mungkin agak sedikit norak nantinya. Hehehe :p
Untuk oleh"nya , gue tampung dulu ya. Oke ? :D
Have a nice Holiday guys! GBu :)
Jumat, 11 Juni 2010
Holiday @ Puncak
Hello, udah lama rasanya gw ga buka blog gw. Skrg ini gw lagi ada puncak. Gw lgi liburan bareng keluarga. Yah... Biasa lah. Kalo udah bosen di rumah, pasti tenpat pelariannya kalo ga puncak , bandung. Hahaha. Kalo ke puncak, gw pengennya sih ke Tama Safari. Tapi kali ini nyokap gw lagi pengen ngunjungi Melrimba Garden yang ada di jalan Raya Puncak. Katanya sih.. modelnya mirip" kaya Gunung Mas gitu, jadi ntar kita teawalk. Tapi gw males kalo udah ngunjungin tempat" kaya gitu. Males.. padahal lagi pengen ke taman safari eh, malah pergi ke Melrimba. Gw pengen liat Kangaroo!!!!!
Holiday @ Puncak
Hello, udah lama rasanya gw ga buka blog gw. Skrg ini gw lagi ada puncak. Gw lgi liburan bareng keluarga. Yah... Biasa lah. Kalo udah bosen di rumah, pasti tenpat pelariannya kalo ga puncak , bandung. Hahaha. Kalo ke puncak, gw pengennya sih ke Tama Safari. Tapi kali ini nyokap gw lagi pengen ngunjungi Melrimba Garden yang ada di jalan Raya Puncak. Katanya sih.. modelnya mirip" kaya Gunung Mas gitu, jadi ntar kita teawalk. Tapi gw males kalo udah ngunjungin tempat" kaya gitu. Males.. padahal lagi pengen ke taman safari eh, malah pergi ke Melrimba. Gw pengen liat Kangaroo!!!!!
Holiday @ Puncak
Hello, udah lama rasanya gw ga buka blog gw. Skrg ini gw lagi ada puncak. Gw lgi liburan bareng keluarga. Yah... Biasa lah. Kalo udah bosen di rumah, pasti tenpat pelariannya kalo ga puncak , bandung. Hahaha. Kalo ke puncak, gw pengennya sih ke Tama Safari. Tapi kali ini nyokap gw lagi pengen ngunjungi Melrimba Garden yang ada di jalan Raya Puncak. Katanya sih.. modelnya mirip" kaya Gunung Mas gitu, jadi ntar kita teawalk. Tapi gw males kalo udah ngunjungin tempat" kaya gitu. Males.. padahal lagi pengen ke taman safari eh, malah pergi ke Melrimba. Gw pengen liat Kangaroo!!!!!
Selasa, 26 Januari 2010
Feeling Guilty
Duh, kelas gw yg super heboh n bandel hari ini kena kasus lagi...
Skrg ini wali kelas IX lg stress berat sama tingkah laku kita. Memang ini salah kita karena kita bikin kasus ngumpetin tas satu sama lain. Aduh, pliss donk anak"... Kita harus minta mav nih ama bu july. Kasian kalo bu july stress melulu cuma gara" kita.. Ayo donk! Kita minta mav brg" yuk ke bu july! Ok?!
Skrg ini wali kelas IX lg stress berat sama tingkah laku kita. Memang ini salah kita karena kita bikin kasus ngumpetin tas satu sama lain. Aduh, pliss donk anak"... Kita harus minta mav nih ama bu july. Kasian kalo bu july stress melulu cuma gara" kita.. Ayo donk! Kita minta mav brg" yuk ke bu july! Ok?!
Senin, 25 Januari 2010
Gagal dapet nilai maksimal!!!
hari ini, gw ngalamin peristiwa yang bener" asem di sekolah gw....
pas PM math, gw n tmen" gw yang lain disuruh ngerjain tugas buat persiapan try out besok.... gw udah ngerjain soal bener" serius n gw punya keyakinan untuk dapet nilai bagus. setelah berapa jem ngerjain soal itu, akhirnya selesai juga. tmen" gw yang lain juga udah pada selesai. tiba waktunya untuk saling tukeran soal buat koreksi. gw udah mulai optimis tuh di situ supaya bisa dapet bagus. pas di cek ternyata gw dapet 85. di situ gw ga ngeh kalo gw ternyata dapetnya 90....
stelah tau gw dapet 90, gw pgn protes. tp bu july nggak mau nanggung nilai yang udah gw capai.. dengan sedikit kesal, gw agak marah sama recky....
gagal deh dapet 90 di math.... sedih...
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